Flexible return to school details

(Posted on 08/03/21)
8th March 2021
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support over the recent months.
We are really pleased that we will be welcoming year 11 students back to face-to-face learning from the week beginning 15th March 2021. Welsh Government has also recently announced that secondary schools now have flexibility to provide some access to onsite education for pupils in years 7 to 10, in readiness for a return to their onsite learning after Easter.
School will therefore reopen to pupils from Monday 15th March as follows:
Timetable week 2 |
Year groups present in school |
Timetable week 1 |
Year groups present in school |
Monday 15 March
Year 11 only |
Monday 22 March |
Year 11 & 10 |
Tuesday 16 March
Year 11 & 10 |
Tuesday 23 March |
Year 11 & 9 |
Wednesday 17 March
Year 11 & 9 |
Wednesday 24 March |
Year 11 & 8 |
Thursday 18 March
Year 11 & 8 |
Thursday 25 March |
Year 11 & 7 |
Friday 19 March
Year 11 & 7 |
Friday 26 March |
Training Day |
Pupils will follow their normal timetable on their allocated days in school. Years 7-10 have a different day in school in each week to maximise their curriculum experience. Please note that we come back to school on timetable week 2, and the last week of term is timetable week 1.
The aims of the two-week period are to provide all pupils with high quality lessons and learning experiences, to re-engage them in face-to-face learning in as many subject areas as possible and to re-establish routines. For year 11, the focus will be on securing the best grades possible in their GCSE and vocational qualifications this summer.
This return to some semblance of normality will help to improve pupils’ mental health and wellbeing, and start to repair and recover their lost learning, in readiness for full reopening after Easter.
Remote learning will continue over this period for pupils not present in school. Critical worker provision will also continue in school.
The Welsh Government has announced some key changes to the way schools across Wales will operate for the next few weeks, which are detailed below:
Face coverings
The new guidance from Welsh Government states that face coverings should be worn in classrooms by pupils and staff during lesson times when social distancing cannot be maintained, on corridors and in communal areas. They do not need to be worn when pupils are in their outdoor zones and when they are actively engaged in sports or similar activities.
Face coverings should be worn outdoors at the end of break and lunch from when the whistle is blown i.e. as they leave their outdoor zone, as they move towards and into the buildings. They should also be worn until they reach the school gate at the end of the school day.
Lateral flow tests
Welsh Government has announced that the offer of regular, twice weekly, Lateral Flow Tests (LFT), will be extended to all year 10 and 11 students. These tests will be for use at home. Testing is voluntary, but students are strongly encouraged to participate to further reduce the risk of asymptomatic transmission of the virus. Anyone who tests positive using a LFT must not attend school. They and everyone they live with must self-isolate immediately whilst they undertake the following actions:
- Report the test online
- Book a follow-up PCR test through the online booking portal
- Notify school of the result.
LFTs will be posted to all pupils in years 10 & 11 this week for completion at home. Pupils should complete the test on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Full details of how to complete the test are in the pack which you will receive. There is also a link in the pack to an online video which shows how to complete the test.
The school day
The school day will operate as we did before lockdown:
Pupils in years 7-9 will be in school from 8.40am-3.00pm, while students in years 10 and 11 will attend from 8.50am until 3.10pm.
Lunchtime will be 12.50pm-1.30pm for all pupils throughout the two-week period We will revert to KS3 lunch during period 4 after Easter.
Uniform and equipment
All pupils must wear full school uniform for their days in school and remember to bring a coat for outdoor break and lunchtime. They should also remember to bring the correct equipment and PE kit for their days in school.
Pre-order lunches will be available from the canteen over the two-week period. Pupils may also bring packed lunches.
The Rhostyllen bus will be running normal service from 15th March. Pupils must wear a face covering at all times on the bus.
Remote learning – Google Classroom
All pupils must continue to complete their remote learning activities on days when they are not in school.
Keeping everyone safe
In order for face-to-face learning to take place, we sincerely ask parents/carers:
- to remain vigilant
- keep a distance at the school gates
- try to influence their children not to mix socially outside of school
- not send children into school if they, or anyone in their household are unwell, have symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19
- pupils should also stay at home if they are a contact of a confirmed case
- not to attend the school site without making an appointment through reception.
Pupils must continue to follow all the COVID rules which they have become used to over the past few months:
- regular handwashing & sanitising
- ‘catch it, kill it, bin it’ respiratory hygiene
- follow the one way system on corridors
- stay in their year group bubbles at break and lunchtimes
- not crowding on corridors or communal areas
- wear face coverings at all times in the building.
Information updates
If there are any changes to these arrangements over the coming weeks, following Welsh Government announcements, I will let you know. Please email the school if you have any queries on [email protected]
We are really looking forward to seeing pupils in school again from 15th March.
With many thanks for your cooperation during these challenging times.
Mr S Garthwaite