(Posted on 09/10/20)
Pupils in Year 9 have all been asked to self-isolate following a positive Covid-19 test within the school community which has now entered the Test, Trace and Protect system. The transmission has not come from within the school but from contact outside of the school. Please be reassured that we are following all the necessary precautions and are in...
Year 7 Photos
(Posted on 08/10/20)Year 7 Photos were collected by Tempest on Tuesday, however if you still wish to purchase your child's school photo you can do this for free with Tempest online until 12/10/2020.
lost property
(Posted on 25/09/20)We have had a large amount of lost property handed in to the front office since the start of term, if your son/daughter has misplaced anything in school, please ask them to pop to the front office at break time on Monday, thank you

Film Club
(Posted on 23/09/20)Continuing our 'Changes' season; we will be watching 'Detective Pikachu' this Thursday in the Library, 3.10pm - 4.55pm. As always, everyone is welcome. The online parental permission form can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vGmua_PEzQ5XkVPVyXSovuC6beeHrjKE-yXcKUnrOBk/edit…
(Posted on 22/09/20)The scheduled upgrade of the online payments system has been rescheduled for 30th September 2020 due to unforseen circumstances. The system will therefore be available today but will be unavailable on Wednesday 30th September 2020.Sincere apologies.
(Posted on 21/09/20)Grango Film Club is back!We will be back in business from next week on a new day.Our first screening will be Thursday September 17th in the school Library at 3.10pm, then every Thursday during term time.Anyone wishing to attend must first fill out a permission form which can be done here.https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSfMprePFUlrDCca9&hellip...