GCSE summer examinations in Numeracy and Maths
(Posted on 31/03/17)
Please see parent download for more information
Another free resource available to your child is: Diagnostic Questions https://diagnosticquestions.com/
The Diagnostic Questions login details for a pupil called Harry Smith would be as follows:
Username: HarrySmith-Grango
Password: Smith
The capital letters are important as the usernames and passwords are case sensitive.
The reason that the two resources shared in this letter are extremely useful is that they ensure
that your child is actively revising by answering questions and getting feedback. Rather than more passive revision, such as reading notes.
As always, ensuring that your child completes any homework set by their class teacher is just as important as these additional revision resources. To keep up to date with any communication and your child outside of school:
- Follow @grangomaths on Twitter
- Visit the “Exam Information” part in the Parents section of our school website to view the booklet “Getting the best possible grade in maths Year 10 (March 2017)” for much more guidance and advice
Should you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact myself. Many thanks
for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
J P Flavell
Lead Learner of Mathematics