High Sheriff Visit
High Sheriff Visit in recognition with the school attendance project
The overall aim of the program was to focus on pupils who are low attenders at school and at risk of becoming NEETS (not in education, employment or training). The program was successful and improved attendance and attitudes to learning.
The program was facilitated by Debra Kennedy (School Based Youth Worker) and Julia Williams (Attendance Support Officer). The Program linked in with other agencies such as the Youth Justice Service, In2Change, the School Police Liaison Officer and Wrexham Football Club. The agencies delivered various workshops which covered crime and consequences in the community, consequences of low school attendance, Drugs and Alcohols and Literacy and Numeracy work. Thanks to funding from Crime Beat we were able to offer the children on the program breakfast for the duration of the program and a six week course with Wrexham Football Club, which the children fully enjoyed and engaged with.
As a reward for improving their overall attendance and attitude to learning the Youth Justice Service kindly supported us in rewarding the children with a trip to Anfield football stadium. With the program being such a success Charlotte Howard the High Sheriff of Clwyd visited us at Ysgol Y Grango to award the pupils and the school with a certificate in recognition of the exemplary partnership work being done to support pupils through the school attendance project.
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