Flexible return to education - next steps

(Posted on 04/03/21)
4th March 2021
Dear Parent / Carer
Flexible return to education - next steps
On 3rd March 2021 Welsh Government released their latest guidance for pupils returning to school settings. With COVID-19 case rates falling across Wales we welcome the opportunity to allow education settings of secondary school aged pupils to start to open more fully from the 15th March.
Initial Welsh Government guidance gave educational leaders the ability to open for year 11 pupils only. In addition, this latest guidance allows for some flexibility in other year groups in specific circumstances.
Headteachers across Wrexham met to discuss this flexible return to education for secondary aged students.
We recognise that each educational setting will have specific factors it will need to consider regarding timings, staffing and current safety measures in place on sites. However, the general principles across education settings of secondary school aged pupils in Wrexham will be:
- Maximum time and resources on site will be provided to year 11 students from Monday 15th March to the end of term on Thursday 25th March.
- Learners in years 7 to 10 will be offered the opportunity to check-in with school and to return to school for some time during the two-week period leading up to the Easter holiday.
To ensure that this return considers the safety and welfare of learners and staff, individual schools will confirm school-specific details early next week.
We are looking forward to this flexible return to onsite learning in our secondary settings from 15th March.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr S Garthwaite