Firebreak lockdown arrangements

(Posted on 19/10/20)
School ‘Firebreak’ Lockdown Arrangements
As you will be aware, the First Minister has today announced a number of enforced changes to the school calendar.
Wales will go into a ‘firebreak’ lockdown from 6.00pm on Friday 23rd October until Monday 9th November.
I would like to remind parents that school will finish for pupils at 3.00pm (KS3 pupils) and 3.10pm (KS4 pupils) on Thursday 22nd October. Friday 23rd October has been allocated as a training day. Monday 2nd November has also been designated as a training day.
From Tuesday 3rd November until Friday 6th November only pupils in years 7 and 8 will be required to attend school. Pupils in years 9, 10 and 11 will revert to home learning through our online platforms.
From Monday 9th November all pupils will return to school. Lessons for KS3 pupils will begin at 8.40am while pupils in KS4 will commence at 8.50am.
If you have any queries about these arrangements please contact the school on 01978 833010 or [email protected]
Thank you for your continuing support.
Mr S Garthwaite