Excellence for all and excellence from all

Dear Parent/Guardian

(Posted on 02/09/20)

Pupils at Ysgol y Grango will be participating in modified PE lessons

when they return to school.

We believe it is important that pupils get the opportunity to exercise

and be active especially following the pandemic where this aspect

of life was hindered to some extent.


The weekly recommendation by the NHS is at least 120 minutes a

week and we play a vital role in trying to begin to work towards this.

It is evident that being active has a significant impact on our health

and well-being which is an important focus for our pupils at Ysgol y

Grango in the return to school. The World Health Organisation

says regular physical activity can help give our days a routine.

It’s also good for our mental health - reducing the risk of depression

and cognitive decline, and improving overall feelings.


Grango PE lessons will have a focus on fitness and health for the first

term where all lessons will take place outdoors (weather permitting)

and limited equipment used. Pupils will be changing into PE kit to

ensure personal hygiene and safety is still adhered to. Therefore

pupils must attend school in their uniform. Changing rooms will

be regularly cleaned throughout the day and pupils will have access

to sanitiser before entering and leaving the changing rooms.


Yours Faithfully


Miss Evans


Head of Performance